More than 10 million people around Nigeria have headaches frequently; headaches are the most common health complaint. Headaches in most cases are treatable with over-the-counter medicine but can be sorted out in a natural way. Usually, if the headache pain is unbearable then you should see a doctor.
There are many reasons why you might have a headache such as fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, common colds, viral infections and dental and sinus issues.
Here are the natural remedies that are popular in Nigeria.
Getting a headache could be a sign that you are not drinking enough water, when we are dehydrated the signs don’t always show or you don’t immediately feel thirsty but the headache is a sign. The solution to this is a simple one and all you have to do is drink some water. Your body needs a litre of water every day to stay hydrated and to ensure that urinary tract infections are avoided. At the first sign of a headache make sure you drink water. Also, make sure you look back at your day to see how much caffeine you have consumed.
Lemon is a very power ingredient that can treat a headache, the best way to consume lemon is to add it to warm water as this reduces the headache. Some headaches take place due to gas in the stomach and the warm lemon water will help resolve this. If your forehead is really throbbing with pain, you can make a lemon paste and apply it to your stress points. You can do this simultaneously and get the headache solved in a jiffy.
Oils & Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy oils are considered very helpful in eliminating a headache. Just pop over to the pharmacy or health store and purchase lavender, camomile and sweet marjoram. You can mix all these essence into carrier oil, use around 5 drops and massage it into the neck and upper back area to target the headache.
Stress is usually the main cause of headaches so to practice relaxation techniques is very important. You can distract yourself from the pain by keeping yourself busy but you can’t always be busy. You can meditate, engage in prayer or practice deep breathing – the more oxygen you get into your system, the more relaxed you will feel. Once you get calm after practicing your relaxation techniques try going to sleep to forget the pain.
Peppermint Essence
Peppermint isn’t just a flavor in chewing gum and toothpaste; it can also help to reduce headaches. Peppermint essence has calming and soothing properties; you can use peppermint in herbal tea and let it mix for around 10 minutes. You can also add some sugar or honey to make the tea taste better, you can also use peppermint oil to your temples to add a cooling sensation and give you instant relief. Peppermint can be inhaled to relieve symptoms of headaches by putting peppermint in steam with a towel over your head.
When you have a persistent headache, a way of reducing it is to eat a piece of apple by applying some salt and drinking some warm water. The apple has antioxidants in it which will help treat any common colds that might be causing the headache. Betel leaves are known for their cooling properties and can effectively relieve headaches. You need to grind the leaves into a fine paste and apply it to your forehead and at the same time you can chew one or two leaves to treat headaches.
Ginger has been known to have excellent anti-inflammatory properties as it relaxes the blood vessels in the head and reduces swelling in the brain. It also activates opiates in the brain as it lessens the pain. You can ingest ginger through ginger tea which needs to take place three to four times a day to reduce the inflammation and get rid of the headache.
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