Environmental and Social Management System

First Nigerian Insurance Company to implement an ESMS

As the foremost insurance company in Nigeria to pioneer and incorporate the environment and social facets of risk management, as an ancillary function to mainstream insurance risk underwriting, AXA Mansard remains passionate and dedicated to managing the potential Environmental & Social risks of our business and applying the appropriate standards in the review of our business operations and those of our clients, as well as in our relationship with the communities in which we operate

Our Environmental and Social risk management framework constitutes an integral part of our robust corporate governance, social responsibility and enterprise risk management strategies. Our obligation to uphold environmental and social sustainability considers the occupational and community health, safety and security concerns of the businesses we underwrite and advocates social responsiveness amongst our clients in relation to these risks.

We are taking a more serious look at the environmental and social impacts and risks potentially associated with our business activities as we strive to retain our standards and the delicate balance between ensuring viable competitiveness and delivering on our corporate social responsibilities. This is evident in our constant improvement of the ESMS tools and processes we use to ensure that it continues to function efficiently and effectively, we put other identified E&S risk that emerge in the course of the year into consideration as well as ensure that changes in relevant environmental standards are reflected.

The management of E&S risks is governed by its Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS) framework- which consists of a policy, a set of procedures to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks in our clients’ operations and the assignment of administering such responsibility by the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) unit.

In addition, through our Environmental & Social Management System processes, we evaluate our clients’ current capabilities in managing identified environmental & social risks that could arise in the cause of their business operations and we offer advisory services and also assist in developing E&S framework as value-added service.

The management of E&S risks is governed by its Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS) framework-this is a policy, set of procedures to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks in our clients’ operations and the assignment of administering such responsibility to the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) unit.

We are committed to assisting our clients develop environmental and social risk management frameworks as value-added service as this we believe is mutually beneficial to our clients and ourselves in relation to managing E&S risks as the success of our customers, clients and stakeholders guarantees future business, which strengthens our commercial sustainability.

We’re focusing on three key issues.

Our corporate responsibility strategy spans a wide range of themes and issues, from climate change to health risk prevention, from social inequality to economic inclusion. In our ongoing efforts to address important environmental, social and economic concerns, as well as a more open and connected world, our CR strategy focuses on three key issues:

Continuous awareness

A significant contribution we are making to socioeconomic development is in creating awareness by training and building the capacity of our employees in the subject of sustainability and enlightening our customers, clients and all other stakeholders. We seek to increase our clients’ understanding of how E&S issues can impact their business, thereby reducing resistance to environmental and social risk managment requirements and developing strong partnership for sustainability.

Our Commitment

We will remain focused and committed on Sustainable performance. This translates into taking measures to minimize harm in the communities we operate in, we would continually communicate our progress and create more awareness and promote such drives from other players in the industry.

The Environment

We aim to reduce the environmental impact of our operations through the management of energy, paper and water consumption as well as reducing our overall emissions and waste. 

  1. Reduce our energy consumption through a focus on energy efficiency solutions that optimize the usage in our buildings.  
  2. Reduce our office paper consumption and minimize the use of paper for our marketing and distribution activities whenever allowed by local requirements and regulators.  
  3. Reduce our water consumption in all AXA Mansard’s facilities. 
  4. Reduce the emissions derived from our business travel by minimizing the number of long-distance trips of our employees, stimulating the use of alternative means of communication. 
  5. Seek suppliers that support us in this journey through their solutions and business practices following the guidelines set in our Responsible Procurement Strategy. 

It is our belief that for sustainability initiative to thrive within the Nigerian Insurance industry, a firm commitment by and robust collaboration with all industry stakeholders is necssary and we are committed to this.

Also, to support the implementation of these commitments AXA Group has developed specific policies and guidelines applicable to the whole Group.

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Health & Disease prevention

We’re constantly expanding our health risk prevention efforts, thanks to our expertise in risk management, a series of strategic partnerships for health, and our divestment from sectors like tobacco.

Climate change & Environment

We’re reducing our carbon footprint and leveraging core insurance and investment activities to better address climate & Environment risk.

Social Inequality and Economic Inclusion

We are driven towards community projects, such as healthcare access, education and support to non-governmental organizations.

It all starts with our people.

Our employees are keen on corporate responsibility too, so we’ve a global program (AXA Hearts in Action), where they can donate their time, skills and generosity and put it to work on projects addressing key social and environmental issues around the world.Â