Our Corporate Responsibility Vision

Discover more about our vision and our commitment to corporate responsibility as we grow our business while protecting our customers, our communities and our environment.

Corporate responsibility drives our strategy.

Our business is all about protecting people and companies over the long term. As a leading insurer, we aim is to achieve positive impact on the society as a whole while maximizing the creation of shared value for members of staff, shareholders and stakeholders. Corporate responsibility is an essential part of our vision, and it drives our brand values, customer satisfaction and employee engagement. A risk and opportunity management issue, it allows us to reduce operational costs and risks on one hand and presents opportunities in emerging commercial segments on the other.

We’re focusing on three key issues.

Our corporate responsibility strategy spans a wide range of themes and issues, from climate change to health risk prevention, from social inequality to economic inclusion. In our ongoing efforts to address important environmental, social and economic concerns, as well as a more open and connected world, our CR strategy focuses on three key issues:

Health & Disease prevention

We’re constantly expanding our health risk prevention efforts, thanks to our expertise in risk management, a series of strategic partnerships for health, and our divestment from sectors like tobacco.

Climate change & Environment

We’re reducing our carbon footprint and leveraging core insurance and investment activities to better address climate & Environment risk.

Social Inequality and Economic Inclusion

We are driven towards community projects, such as healthcare access, education and support to non-governmental organizations.

It all starts with our people.

Our employees are keen on corporate responsibility too, so we’ve a global program (AXA Hearts in Action), where they can donate their time, skills and generosity and put it to work on projects addressing key social and environmental issues around the world. 

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