Fidelity Guarantee

Protect yourself against fraud and dishonesty.


It happens more often than you think: Embezzlement, fraud, defamation, and the disclosure of business secrets. These and other criminal acts by your employees or damage by unknown third parties can cause considerable damage to your company and others. With fidelity guarantee policy you transfer these risks to us.

Why Choose us?

Award winning HMO service provider

Serving millions worldwide

Serving 100+ million people worldwide. Trusting us every day and making us one of the leading insurance companies globally

We operate in over 57 countries

With over 160,000 employees committed to better protect you around the world

24/7 Support

We are always accessible; you can contact us anytime for any enquiry.

Prompt Claim Payment

All verifies claims are paid on time without any hassle.


We will cover the monetary loss that you might have to suffer as a result of forgery, embezzlement, larceny or fraud / dishonesty or fraudulent conversion of money or money’s worth or goods by your salaried employees.

In doing so, AXA Mansard covers losses in your business as well as losses for which your business can be made liable.

We also offer the following under our fidelity guarantee policy:

  • Specialist claims service
  • Crisis Management Advisory
  • Worldwide Coverage

Claims Process

1. Download and fill out a claim form.

2. Submit the claim form along with the complete documentary requirements online to or to the nearest AXA Mansard Office.

3. AXA Mansard will confirm the approval of your request through e-mail or a call.

4. Claim will be settled and received via your preferred channel as indicated in the e-mail or call.

Policy Information and Downloads

AXA has published its 1Q20 Activity

AXA has published its 1Q20 Activity

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